Build Own Computer

原文刊登日期:Dec. 19, 2011
原文擷取出處:WIRED | Randy Alfred

  1974: The Altair 8800 microcomputer goes on sale. It doesn’t offer much, but it’s the small start of a big trend toward small things.


  A small New Mexico company — with the big name of Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems and the small name of MITS — manufactured the Altair as a do-it-yourself kit. At its heart was the Intel 8080 microprocessor, with the remarkable capacity of 8 bits, or 1 byte. (Later models used the 8080A.)

  The kit offered a 256-byte memory, just about enough to contain one sentence of text. The Altair’s open, 100-line bus structure evolved into the S-100 standard.

  Keyboard? Dream on. That was a few years in the future. Input was accomplished through the “Sense Switches” (I/O address 255), eight toggle switches on the left side of the front panel.
  那鍵盤呢?做夢吧。這是幾年後的事了。輸入是通過位於前面板左側的叫做“觸覺開關(Sense Switches)”(I/O位址255)的八個彈簧開關實現的。
  Display? More dreaming. Output was accomplished through LEDs on the front panel. LEDs, 1974: high tech, kiddo.

  The Altair 8800 kit sold for just under $400 (about $1,900 in today’s money). If you wanted to forgo the case, you could get the kit for under $300. Or you could order the whole deal fully assembled: quotes a $595 price.
  If you wanted to soup the thing up, MITS offered a few peripherals: a video card, a serial card for connecting to a terminal, a 64-KB RAM-expansion card and an 8-inch floppy drive. The floppies stored 300 KB each. Those were the days.

  MITS founder Ed Roberts got the name Altair from the stellar destination in a Star Trek episode. The idea came from the young daughter of a Popular Electronics magazine editor.
  Popular Electronics heralded the amazing gadget on its January 1975 cover. Right away, orders started pouring in.

  News of the Altair 8800 excited Paul Allen and Bill Gates, who wrote the first microcomputer Basic for the 8800 and, within months, went on to found Microsoft together.
  “牽牛星8800”發售的消息讓 Paul Allen 和 Bill Gates 大喜過望,他們為8800編寫了首個Basic語言。幾個月後,他們既而共同創辦了微軟公司。

  MITS sold more than 2,000 Altairs by the end of 1975, beyond Roberts’ wildest expectations. IMS Associates, which sold the remarkably similar IMSAI 8080 microcomputer, shipped 50 that year.
  But the Altair inspired more than knockoffs. The Commodore PET, complete with keyboard and monitor, debuted in early 1977. The Apple II came out later that year.
  然而“牽牛星”同時也催生出了許多仿製品。擁有鍵盤和顯示器的 “Commodore PET” 於1977年早期首次現身。不久之後蘋果二代也出場了。

  MITS sold out to Pertec in 1977. Pertec kept making Altairs through 1978.
  Microsoft and Intel are still around. You noticed?

原文出處 Originated from       Dec. 19, 1974: Build Your Own Computer at Home! | This Day In Tech |

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